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We Help Survivors Develop Job-Related Skills

Our Restored initiative teaches life skills development in Texarkana, TX

Survivors of human trafficking in Texarkana, TX, never had the chance to develop their skills. This puts them at a disadvantage when reentering the workforce. Fortunately, they can receive the hands-on training they need through our life skills development initiative. We Are FREE helps survivors develop job-related life skills and earn a stipend while doing so. The experience they gain encourages survivor empowerment and helps them enter their next chapter with confidence.

Life skills development is a vital part of survivor empowerment. As a supporter of our Restored store, your purchase not only helps survivors in Texarkana, TX gain confidence and learn valuable life skills, but it also helps us keep our initiative going. All business proceeds are reinvested back into operating our Hebron Hills Aftercare Facility. This helps us continue our mission to empower survivors of human trafficking and get them the resources they need.

Browse items at our Restored store today.

Click here to learn more

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