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Our Story

We Are FREE was founded In response to the call of Micah 6:8 and a desire to to seek justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God. Our founder, the staff and volunteers live out this call by advocating for and speaking on behalf of the victims of human trafficking.

We are a faith-based NGO that combats human trafficking through preventative education, empowerment and the ultimate goal of eradication. To accomplish this, we raise awareness on the issue of human trafficking through community focused education to churches, businesses and civic organizations. We also provide empowerment for recovery to survivors of trafficking at our signature Hebron Hills restorative care campus, which is located in Southern Arkansas.

Hebron Hills, our restorative care facility, provides long-term temporary housing while addressing all physical, psychological and spiritual needs. It also provides all necessary educational requirements and skills-based training so that each survivor has the power to transition to an independent, sustainable life.

our mission

We Are FREE exists to serve all persons who have experienced labor and/or sex trafficking. We aim to proclaim liberty, provide refuge, heal the broken, raise up the desolate and replace shame with honor.

Our Team

Angelyn McMurray

Founder & executive director

 Amy Gattis

Director of equine activities

Abi Partee

Development & Administrative support

Lauren Edwards

Resident manager

Mary Lou Herron

Creative design product development

Board of directors

Scott Attebery

Angelyn McMurray

Diane Maitag

Sallie Nix

J. Peter Shoemaker

David McMurray- Pastoral Advisor

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